Middle American Research Institute Social Media

Social media materials for M.A.R.I at Tulane University

Founded in 1924, the Middle American Research Institute (M.A.R.I.) at Tulane University strives to promote a greater understanding of the vibrant and diverse cultures of Middle America. It stewards an extensive collection of textiles, artifacts, and an archive of letters, field notes, maps, and photographs from the scores of field projects it has sponsored and continues to sponsor. We strive to make these accessible to researchers and the general public through a variety of exhibitions, workshops, and symposia.

Furthermore, M.A.R.I. continues to support anthropological, archaeological, ethnohistorical, linguistic, and ethnographic research projects throughout Mexico and Central America.

This year I started working with them to improve their social media efforts and help spread the amazing work they are doing through infographics, animations, video editting, and brand-aligned posts.

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    Middle American Research Institute

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